de Reyes Y Profetas: Comprenda Su Poder Espiritual Frente a la Autoridad Terrena L / Of Kings and Prophets

Rutland, Mark · Casa Creacion

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El poder es tan fuerte como la autoridad que lo sostiene Los profetas bíblicos no vivieron ni profetizaron en un vacío contextual. Hablaban de las circunstancias de la vida real a líderes de carne y hueso como monarcas, reinas, gobernadores y generales. Mark Rutland, basado en conocidos relatos bíblicos, expone el modo en que esas interacciones muestran la tensión entre la autoridad del cielo y los príncipes de este mundo. El lector descubrirá que: Dios usa a sus mensajeros para confrontar y aconsejar a los que lideran en el ámbito natural. De la misma manera, Satanás también trabaja para poner a sus siervos cerca de los líderes del mundo, con la esperanza de desviarlos de los planes de Dios. A quién escuchen esos líderes determinará, en gran medida, el destino de las naciones. Dios, a menudo, coloca a sus siervos a la derecha de los líderes en una amplia gama de disciplinas, desde los negocios hasta la educación, pasando por el entretenimiento y la política. Cada creyente debe estar dispuesto a ser "la voz profética de Dios" para otras personas, sean niños, jefes o funcionarios oficiales. El poder que poseen los líderes está, en definitiva, en manos de Dios. Si deciden escucharlo y obedecerlo, él los elevará y los usará para el bien de su pueblo. Dios hace y deshace reyes ENGLISH DESCRIPTION FROM NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR Power is only as strong as the authority that sustains it. This book will help you be a better leader. It will help you receive a healthy dose of accountability through applied spiritual authority. The biblical prophets did not live or prophesy in a contextual vacuum. They spoke into real-life circumstances to real-life leaders such as kings, queens, governors, and generals. Drawing on biblical accounts, Dr. Mark Rutland shows how these interactions, sometimes in the form of advice but more often as dramatic confrontations, demonstrate the tension between heaven's authority and the princes of this world. Readers will discover that: God positions His messengers to confront and advise those who lead in the natural realm. Likewise, Satan is also working to position his own servants near the world's leaders hoping to steer them away from the things and plans of God. To whom those leaders listen will determine, to a large extent, the fate of nations. God often positions His servants at the right elbow of leaders in a wide range of disciplines, from business to education to entertainment to politics. Every believer should be open to being "God's prophetic voice" in someone else's life, whether that person is a child, a boss, or a town councilman. Likewise, every believer should be in constant prayer for and humbly sensitive to wise counsel sent from God as a gift of grace. God makes and unmakes kings. When they can discern and listen to His voice, He sustains their well-wielded authority with His supernatural power.

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