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portada Epigenetics of Stress and Stress Disorders (Volume 31) (Translational Epigenetics, Volume 31) (en Inglés)
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Tapa Blanda
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Epigenetics of Stress and Stress Disorders (Volume 31) (Translational Epigenetics, Volume 31) (en Inglés)

Youssef Nagy (Autor) · Academic Press · Tapa Blanda

Epigenetics of Stress and Stress Disorders (Volume 31) (Translational Epigenetics, Volume 31) (en Inglés) - Youssef Nagy

Libro Nuevo

$ 188.75

$ 290.38

Ahorras: $ 101.63

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  • Estado: Nuevo
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Origen: Reino Unido (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
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Reseña del libro "Epigenetics of Stress and Stress Disorders (Volume 31) (Translational Epigenetics, Volume 31) (en Inglés)"

Epigenetics of Stress and Stress Disorders, a new volume in the Translational Epigenetics series, examines the epigenetic mechanisms involved in modifying DNA following prolonged stress or trauma. This is accomplished through the evaluation of both the physiological and molecular effects of stress on the body that can eventually lead to stress disorders. The book begins by providing a psychiatric, biological, and phenomenological foundation for understanding stress disorders, before delving into the genomics of stress disorders. From here, chapter authors discuss a range of recent epigenetic research in the area, highlighting epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS), exciting developments in noncoding RNA studies, possible effects of prolonged stress on telomere shortening, and the long-term physical effects of PTSD on the health of patients. The book also examines the effect of adversity during sensitive periods or development and across the life span. The book concludes by looking at possible transgenerational stress-induced epigenetic alterations on future offspring and important areas of research for public health, along with the potential for epigenetic therapeutics or "epidrugs."

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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