Portentos Y Prodigios del Siglo de Oro

Lopez Gutierrez · Nowtilus

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This book is an entertaining approach to what the people of the Golden Age thought about the natural and the supernatural. In its pages the boundaries between the possible and the impossible, the life and the hereafter are erased. The imagination can transform or build reality, and daily life spaces are invaded by elves, goblins, demons, and lost souls. In this book's pages, the reader will realize how some phenomena are perfectly described by the historians and the great writers of Spanish literature. These phenomena appear today in the mass media: sightings of strange lights, abductions, night visitors. Due to its excellent documentation obtained from literary and historical sources and because of the entertaining and efficient reconstruction of the stories that illustrate the pages of this work, this book is the most extensive introduction to how the natural world was conceived and the supernatural and its relationships, by men from the Golden Age. Descubra las claves de la formaciÃ3n, expansiÃ3n y decadencia de la Corona de AragÃ3n alejada de reivindicaciones nacionales, discursos ideolÃ3gicos o escritos tendenciosos, tratando lostemas polÃ(c)micos pero siempre justificando los argumentos y citando todas las fuentes disponibles.Un riguroso y ameno estudio que nos adentra en la apasionante Ã(c)poca de la creaciÃ3n de un gran imperio mediterràneo, sus dificultades para superar la crisis bajomedieval, la guerra civil catalana que asolÃ3 el territorio durante diez años o las causas de la uniÃ3n dinàstica con la Corona de Castilla, con protagonistas tan sonoros como Jaime I el Conquistador, Ramon Llull, Roger de Flor, Fernando II el CatÃ3lico y tantos otros. Breve historia de la Corona de AragÃ3n analiza polÃ(c)micas todavÃ-a hoy abiertas, como el origen del escudo de las cuatro barras o la figura de CristÃ3bal ColÃ3n, que siguen siendo objeto de debate entre historiadores.

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