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portada New Directions in Boethian Studies (en Inglés)
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Tapa Blanda
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New Directions in Boethian Studies (en Inglés)

Kaylor Jr, Noel Harold ; Phillips, Philip Edward (Autor) · Medieval Institute Publications · Tapa Blanda

New Directions in Boethian Studies (en Inglés) - Kaylor Jr, Noel Harold ; Phillips, Philip Edward

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$ 16.22

$ 24.96

Ahorras: $ 8.73

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  • Estado: Nuevo
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Origen: Estados Unidos (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
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Reseña del libro "New Directions in Boethian Studies (en Inglés)"

Continuing work begun by previous scholars, New Directions in Boethian Studies brings together recent studies from the diverse perspective of recent scholarship published during the first decade of Carmina Philosophiae: Journal of the International Boethius Society, a journal which seeks to make sound editions of texts and commentaries, both Latin and vernacular, more readily available to scholars. The book is divided into five sections according to the following areas of study: 1) aspects of Boethius's Latin De Consolatione Philosophiae, 2) vernacular translations of the Consolatio, 3) multidisciplinary perspectives on Boethius in art and literary history, 4) multidisciplinary perspectives on Boethius in art and literary history, and 5) ongoing efforts to find and edit unpublished translations and major studies of Boethius's works. The study of Boethius, his works, and his influence continues to expand as scholars turn their attention to interdisciplinary and heretofore neglected areas of research. The essays and the critical edition presented in this collection represent the ongoing discussions of established and emerging scholars who are drawn to Boethius, undeniably one of the most central and seminal thinkers in the Western tradition.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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